Is it time to replace your car window tint? But before the replacement, proper window tint removal is necessary to make the application smoothly. Tinting the windows will make your car look cool again. However, note that removing is more difficult than installing the film. Have it the window tinting removal and installation done by a specialist to avoid the hassles. While removing the window film is a doable task, if you choose to do it yourself, consider these tips to get the job done right: Soap-and-scrape method. With all the tools you need in your hand, this is a quick and easy wat to apply window film. However, this method will require extra effort as it can get your tired quickly. Soap and newspaper technique. It may take more time than the other methods but a good way to make the tint come off easily. Using newspapers to keep the tint wet works to loosen the adhesive. There is no need to put too much force to scrap and clean the adhesive from the window. Applying ammonia. Ammonia and sun heat can unfix the adhesive. It is necessary to do it on a sunny day and you don’t plan on driving for the next few days, you’ll save yourself a lot of work using this tint removal option. Be careful when working with this chemical and always wear a mask to avoid smelling the toxic fumes it emits. Once the old film is removed and the adhesive residue cleaned, you can now apply the new window film. The window film for your car will depend on your preference and tinting needs. There are different window films to choose from and they all have features to enhance and look and feel of your car. Also, use the services of a tinting specialist as he can do a good tinting job. Comments are closed.