![]() Do you know that there are really a lot of great benefits to tinting your home windows? Aside from the added aesthetic, window tinting gives you more. Listed below are some of the most common known benefits you can take when you tint your home windows Blacksoil. Reduces heat. If your house has some “hot spots” you may end up turning the air-conditioning more which would add up to the extra cost in your electricity bill. With the use of window films, you will be able to reduce heat gain by up to 84% which automatically reduces your expenses. UV protection. Once you have installed films on your windows, you will be protected from the damaging UV rays as it blocks 99.9% of it. As most know the sun can damage our skin and can even accelerate the skin’s aging process. And even when you are indoors, you need to protect yourself from any possible health damage you can get from too much sunlight. Damaged upholstery. When upholstery is too exposed to UV rays, heat, visible light, and the likes, fading and damages can occur. Tinting can stop that damage which will leave your carpets, furnishings, accessories and even window treatments safe from the elements. Protection from glare. If you have glare issues especially when the window blinds you or when you are on your computer screen or television and you feel you can’t look anymore, window films can protect you from that. Window films can reduce glare up to 87% which can make you more comfortable. Comments are closed.