Bubbled, purply ugly window tint on a rear window? Time to remove it. Rear window tint removal is one of the most challenging jobs. If you try to remove rear window tint simply by peeling, it may result to sticky mess on the glass, which may take several hours to clear. While there is no easy way to remove old window tint, consider these tips. But the first thing to consider is, do you want to do this job on your own? Depending on the tint's age and whether or not it has been delaminated, you may run a high risk of damaging your rear window defroster, that small grid made of a mixture of metal and resin attached to the glass with an adhesive. Sometimes the old window tint gets so attached to the glass that when you remove it, you also remove the defroster. You can avoid this when you leave the job to the professionals. Still, if you want it a try, here are some tips. Use a removal technique that requires a good sunny day and ammonia. Consider alternative techniques if you live in a cloudy area. Cut two black garbage bags that size with the window. Spray soapy water outside the window and use one of the black trash bags to cover it and smooth the plastic flat. Cover the inside surfaces near the window with a tarp, and wear a face mask. Add a 50/50 mixture of ammonia and water to a spray bottle. Remember, ammonia fumes can be harmful, and people will respond differently to exposure to the fumes. While the glass is wet with ammonia, use one trash bag to trap the ammonia against the window film while leaving the other trash bag on the outside of the glass. When left under the hot sun, the trash bags absorb heat, helping the film peel off in one piece. Then peel the window film with your fingernail or razor blade to lift the window film into a corner of the window, and try to lift the film off in one piece. Make sure not to cut the defroster lines and keep the tint moist with ammonia as you strip. If some tint does not peel, use a razor blade to scrape it off. Clean any residual adhesive with ammonia and very fine steel wool, then wipe the surface with a paper towel before it dries. Pull out the exterior trash bag, and clean the window thoroughly with glass cleaner. Comments are closed.