Non-tinted home windows allow direct sunlight to get through, which can affect the indoor temperature and create a bad side effect to you, your household and even to your furniture. UV rays that pass directly through non-tinted window glass can fade and damage furnishings, carpets and curtains. It can be avoided by improving your windows with solar films. It's one of the most cost-effective solutions to protect your home with extra privacy. There are advantages when you tint your home windows Idooroopilly. However, most homeowners are reluctant in installing window tint because of the cost. The going rate for home window tinting services is around $50/m2. For homes with few windows, it might cost about $47.50/m2 while a larger house with many windows may expect premium rates of up to $67.50/m2. You will also need to consider the type of film, the number and size of windows, the easiness or difficulty of the location, and if you need to remove old tints first before the installation. These are factors that may influence the cost. While home window tinting is almost accurate since the colour of most films are dark and its main purpose is to block sunlight from coming in. These days, however, you might be standing in front of a tinted window and might not even recognise it. Window films have advanced these days and have improved features such as protection from UV rays, reduction of glare, films that can keep the heat out, added privacy, security and more. Proper window film installation is necessary to make the most of its protecting qualities. It is best to have a tinting expert do the job for you. Comments are closed.